This exciting and fun story is about respect and realizing that a mistake has been committed and doing what is right.



I like the book’s concept. Children are introduced to self-regulations. Sometimes we just have to wait

– Dad, Amazon customer

a wonderful children’s book perfect for children learning how to read. Our son absolutely loves emotions, fruits, veggies, and action verbs. Repetition of words and phrases makes it a super fun read for our toddler. “Fish, fish, wonderful fish” is one of his favorites when reading it. Also, the illustrations and images of bright colors along with the mountains in the back compliment the story line very well. It’s a simple, yet captivating book for our son.

– Zach Barrientos


Spider’s New Friend

Dirdura Wynn

Spider’s New Friend is a Fable. This fable is used to depict a human dilemma, In this story Spider is going up a waterspout on a sunny day. But all of a sudden the clouds hid the sun and it begin to rain, Spider tumbled to the ground, Big Grouchy Bug saw Spider tumble to the ground and laughed, his friends also heard the commotion and rushed over and encouraged their friend.


Thank you for the topics you shared in a child friendly way. I really appreciate the spider story which shows the love we need to have for each other.

I gave my children the books to share with their children.

Please continue to share your stories. I pray God will continue to bless you in this endeavor.


very informative book for young children. It carries a wide range of emotions, insects, and colors. Our son loves pointing out the different bugs that are listed. We reference this book all the time with words like “encouragement” and “grouchy” and “apologized” and many more. This was one of his first books we would read to him. Mostly because the vocabulary in the book is perfect for toddlers and young children. The illustrations provide bugs and emotions and colors and numbers for them to count, examine, and explore. Truly a wonderful book, 10/10 recommend.

– Zach Barrientos

I enjoyed reading ‘Spider’s New Friend’. It was engaging as I asked my grandchildren questions about the relationship between Spider and his friends (the caring and not so caring ones). Emphasize the importance of finding it in your heart to forgive and show love whenever it’s needed, even to those who are mean, but hurting.

– Deborah Lewis ❤️




Words That Blow The Mind and Calm The Soul

Dirdura Wynn

The words in the book “Inspirational Winds” were conceived in the mind of the author and put on paper, its contents have delighted many for over 20 years. The author has brought her collection of works together to form this book of poems. Inspirational Winds is filled with a variety of artwork. The words are intentional, the feelings that they provoke are real. The message and spiritual words of guidance and encouragement are for children as well as adults. The author hopes that you dive in, and enjoy the read.



I glad you asked me to give a review of your book. To be honest, I normally don’t read books as a pastime hobby. I often buy books at workshops to support the authors.

The cover of your book was inviting to see what was inside (and that I knew your family and you as a friend and sister in Christ.
I was impressed with the contents of heart felt thoughts of faith, love, family, friends and life in the manner of your prose. It was also refreshing to see related pictures and photos to accompany various thoughts.

I enjoyed reading all of the book(even a second time). I found a few titles that were especially “inspiring”:

-Wise Woman … “And calm amid pain”
-Stop the Violence… was deep as I pictured the grief, pain, potential revenge, yet solace in trusting God.
-The Cycle…encouraged that there is hope in braking a generational destructive force.
-Cry if you must.
-Teens of the 90’s (or even now!)
-Frank…I was quite surprised to see my daughter expressing her love for her husband, Frank, her African Prince. I was really touched.
-The Flat Land Speaks
-The Clouds do Cry
-The Taste of Home

-Great work,
Deborah Lewis

Dirdura Wynn

The Author

Dirdura Wynn is an early childhood educator, writer, published author, and bible class teacher.

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Teaching Respect to Your Children

Teaching Respect to Your Children

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Respect Is an Important Value for Children to Learn

Respect Is an Important Value for Children to Learn

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